Our Services

Academic Book Representatives: Holadson Academic Library Services is one of the leading indigenous representatives of McGraw-Hill Educational Professional companies in Nigeria. McGraw Hill is a leading U.K. academic textbook company, and has been in operation for over 70 years, providing people with the information and insights they require to adapt and grow in a changing global knowledge based economy and times.

We currently distribute for over 16 leading academic publishers in the world including: Sage books, Wiley, Taylor and Francis, Cengage Books, and others.

Modern Scientific Educational Teaching Models: An integral part of our educational services span through sales and marketing of world class modern educational teaching models for the sciences in primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities across the country.

Our wide range of products will inspire you to provide your students with both exciting and instructive lessons.

We distribute for the giants in The Teaching Model world - our brochures are available on request through the details below.

Library Equipment/Furniture: Our business also spans the field of Library Development Consultancy and Library furniture and equipment.

The fundamentals of our services are prompt delivery of library furniture and equipment.

We represent Fred Franklin Library Furniture of the U.K, the leading library furniture manufacturing company in Europe.

Digital & e-Library Solution Provider: DIGITALISATION OF LIBRARY COLLECTIONS & e-LIBRARY SOLUTION. Globally schools and universities are replacing textbooks with electronic tablets that are loaded with necessary reading material, software apps and other media.

In other to change and adapt to this global need, we are partnership with leading global partners, who provide Digital / e-Library service for efficient and reliable digital library solutions.