About Us

Holadson Educational Books Limited was incorporated in Nigeria on the 4th day of January 2010, with registration number: RC 862246.

Our Focus
• Publication of high quality and competitive books in collaboration with our local and foreign partners.
• Promoting indigenous authorship.
• Promoting cultural values while operating ethically within the provision of the business environment.
• Quality and effective corporate social responsibility is key to the operating environment.
• Professional delivery strategies.
• Strong Customer Satisfaction is key and central to our Operation.

Our Core Values

Promoting Indigenous Authorship is key to our socio – cultural values.

Our core business focuses on the collection and analysis of educational writings across the field of Management sciences, Arts, Pure Sciences and Business in the form of manuscripts from our indigenous authors and academic researchers reflecting our post high school curriculum, environmental and socio-cultural heritage and publishing such at an international book standard with active collaboration with our foreign publishing partners.

Our Management Capacity

Our management team is young, dynamic, creative and responsive in identifying opportunities and anticipating present and future needs. The management team is made up of young women and men of drive, innovative and proven integrity.

They are irrevocablly committed to uplifting the quality and standard of education in Nigeria and beyond.

Organisation Wide Goal
  1. Increased Revenue
  2. High Product Quality
  3. Strong Customer Satification
  4. Positive Reputation
  5. Maximise Stockholders Wealth
  6. Respect of Law & Regulations
  7. Happy Employees & Good Working Conditions
  8. Increased Earning
  9. Robust Social Responsibilities